LYT The Pirates of Penzance
Join us as we set sail with this classic comedy that boasts one of the most famous patter songs in musical theatre history. Gilbert and Sullivan's hilarious, hopeful farce follows young Frederic, an orphan who has mistakenly been apprenticed to an ineffectual but raucous band of pirates. He disavows the pirates’ way of life and falls for the beautiful Mabel. Frederic’s melodious tones win over the heart of Major-General Stanley’s songbird daughter, Mabel, but when the Pirate King discovers General Stanley has lied about being an orphan to keep the pirates from stealing all of his belongings and carrying off his bevy of beautiful daughters, an “ingenious paradox” may prevent the budding romance and lead to the death of “the very model of a modern Major-General.”
Join us in celebrating our return to live theatre! Featuring a cast of over 100 local performers and the LYT Orchestra, you’re guaranteed some great entertainment!
LYT The Pirates of Penzance
A hilarious farce of sentimental pirates, bumbling policemen, dim-witted young lovers and an eccentric Major-General...
Join us as we set sail with this classic comedy that boasts one of the most famous patter songs in musical theatre history. Gilbert and Sullivan's hilarious, hopeful farce fol...
The Pirates of Penzance Programme.pdf
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